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Table 5 Accuracy of DXA values for 8 weeks. The accuracy and Pearson correlation of Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) derived composition values with the electronic scale values of rats for 8 weeks

From: Evaluation of iNSiGHT VET DXA (Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) for assessing body composition in obese rats fed with high fat diet: a follow-up study of diet induced obesity model for 8 weeks



Electronic scaleb

(DXA - Electronic scale)c

Correlation coefficientd

TBW (g)

324.248 ± 111.581 (134.508–458.205)

329.198 ± 116.164 (132.945–465.2)

−4.951 ± 5.008 (− 12.312–1.563)

0.999, p < 0.009

  1. aThe DXA-derived values are shown as mean ± SD with the range shown in parentheses
  2. bThe electronic scale values are shown as mean ± SD with the range shown in parentheses
  3. cThe errors of DXA-derived value from the electronic scale value are shown as mean ± SD with the range shown in parentheses
  4. dThe Pearson correlation coefficient value for DXA-derived values and the electronic scale values calculated using “t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means” in Excel