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Table 1 Suggested anesthetics for common procedures on adult mice. For details, please refer to the text

From: Anesthesia and analgesia for common research models of adult mice

Procedure/body organ

Suggested anesthesia/modality

Abdominal aorta

Isoflurane AND buprenorphine AND postoperative analgesia: buprenorphine

Agitated animals

Low dose acepromazine


(Isoflurane OR ketamine/xylazine) AND buprenorphine AND (subcutaneous lidocaine with or without bupivacaine AND splash block of periosteum with lidocaine) AND dexamethasone (in craniotomies) AND postoperative analgesia: buprenorphine

Gastrointestinal tract

{Isoflurane OR sevoflurane OR ketamine/xylazine/acepromazine OR pentobarbital (not for models of inflammatory bowel disease)} AND buprenorphine AND postoperative analgesia: buprenorphine


Restraint OR Ketamine/xylazine OR pentobarbital OR isoflurane OR sevoflurane OR desflurane

Immobilization (long-term) for non-painful procedures

Hypnotics (e.g., thiopental or pentobarbital)

Immobilization (temporary) for non-painful procedures

Higher dose of acepromazine OR flash anesthetic techniques using an anesthetic chamber (isoflurane or halothane)

Injections and catheterizations

Animal training OR distraction OR lidocaine-prilocaine OR flash anesthesia using an isoflurane chamber


(Ketamine/xylazine OR ketamine/medetomidine OR ketamine/xylazine/acepromazine) AND buprenorphine.

For renal ischemia model: pentobarbital AND buprenorphine. Postoperative analgesia: buprenorphine


(Isoflurane OR sevoflurane OR ketamine/xylazine/acepromazine) AND lidocaine line block with or without bupivacaine at the intended site for incision AND postoperative analgesia: buprenorphine


{Isoflurane AND dinitrogen monoxide AND oxygen AND opioids (e.g., buprenorphine or morphine) AND NSAIDs (e.g., ketoprofen or flunixin meglumine)} OR {ketamine/xylazine AND sustained-release buprenorphine} OR {isoflurane AND buprenorphine AND lidocaine splash block} OR {midazolam/medetomidine} OR {fentanyl/midazolam} AND postoperative analgesia: buprenorphine

Liver and bile duct

{Isoflurane OR (isoflurane AND meloxicam AND buprenorphine) OR sevoflurane OR ketamine/xylazine/acepromazine} AND postoperative analgesia: buprenorphine

Ophthalmic procedures

{Oxybuprocaine eye ointment OR (ketamine/medetomidine; postoperative analgesia: meloxicam) OR (isoflurane AND 0.5% proparacaine hydrochloride ophthalmic solution} AND glycopyrrolate AND postoperative analgesia


{Isoflurane OR halothane OR (ketamine/medetomidine)} AND buprenorphine AND ketoprofen


Surgical models: (isoflurane OR ketamine/xylazine) AND (lidocaine with or without bupivacaine) AND buprenorphine

Spinal cord

{Isoflurane AND buprenorphine AND local analgesia (in laminectomy and crushing of the spinal cord)} OR Ketamine/xylazine (in neural stem cells transplantation) AND postoperative analgesia


Isoflurane AND buprenorphine


Please refer to the text


Depending on the main surgical procedure; fentanyl/dexmedetomidine/midazolam OR (pentobarbital sodium/ketamine OR ketamine/xylazine OR isoflurane OR pentobarbital/Ketamine/xylazine OR propofol) AND buprenorphine AND postoperative analgesia

Wound models

(Ketamine/xylazine OR medetomidine/midazolam/butorphanol OR isoflurane/buprenorphine) AND postoperative analgesia: systemic or topical opioids, NSAIDs, local anesthetics, tramadol local infiltration