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Table 3 Effects of losartan, metformin and glibenclamide on weekly fasting blood sugar level of DOCA + STZ hypertensive diabetic rats

From: Antihypertensive and antihyperglycemic effects of combinations of losartan with metformin and/or glibenclamide in desoxycorticosterone acetate and streptozotocin-induced hypertensive diabetic rats


Post-induction (mg/dL)

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 8

Normal Control

84.40 ± 2.69

76.00 ± 1.26

78.60 ± 0.40

75.20 ± 1.66

75.60 ± 1.57

77.60 ± 3.26

HD Control

354.60 ± 2.09

358.00 ± 12.39*

357.40 ± 3.36*

340.20 ± 8.95*

333.60 ± 8.95*

301.80 ± 8.45*


361.20 ± 7.84

322.20 ± 6.85*#

291.40 ± 13.76*#

245.20 ± 6.47*#

234.80 ± 3.83*#

205.00 ± 8.44*#


329.60 ± 6.73

294.20 ± 4.92*#

246.80 ± 8.50*#a

202.80 ± 3.14*#a

189.40 ± 8.51*#a

183.60 ± 9.36*#


382.00 ± 3.51

323.40 ± 10.06*#

276.80 ± 10.59*#

213.00 ± 3.00*#a

160.40 ± 9.04*#a

150.40 ± 8.21*#a

  1. All values are expressed as mean ± SEM (n = 5). *P < 0.05 when compared with normal control; #P < 0.05 when compared with hypertensive diabetic control; aP < 0.05 when compared with LOS + MET treatment. (HD Control Hypertensive Diabetic Control, HD Hypertensive Diabetic Rats, LOS Losartan, MET Metformin, GLB Glibenclamide