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Fig. 3 | Laboratory Animal Research

Fig. 3

From: Development of HPV16 mouse and dog models for more accurate prediction of human vaccine efficacy

Fig. 3

Expression of ZsGreen fluorescence using the ILV HPV16-ZsGreen lentivector in dog muscle. Dogs were injected in muscle at day 0. The detection of the local expression of green fluorescence was realized with the MiniZ probe using the Cellvizio® imaging system at 488 nm at day 7. A A representative image was extracted from each video to visualize the fluorescence expression at the injected point in comparison with the non-injected point. B The evaluation of the fluorescence intensity at the vector-injected point and the saline-injected point was performed at day 7 post-injection. For each point, the fluorescence intensity was evaluated with a 30–45 s laps video. The fluorescence intensity of each image of the video (n = 476) was recorded and used to calculate the mean fluorescence intensity of each injection point. The fluorescence intensity was expressed as the mean ± SEM of the fluorescence intensity of each site. SEM = standard error of the mean. **p value < 1%

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